
关于交通的英语手抄报 关于交通的英语手抄报内容

更新时间:2022-11-12 06:48:52作者:佚名

关于交通的英语手抄报 关于交通的英语手抄报内容

1、Traffic safety slogan交通安全宣传标语

(1)Obey the traffic rules and enjoy a good life.遵守交通规则,享受美好人生。

(2)Its fast in one time, and its destroyed in one life. Drive courteously, and traffic is smooth.一时快,一世毁.礼让行驶,交通顺畅。

(3) The traffic rules must be obeyed, dont throw your life on the street.交通规则要遵守,莫将生命丢街头。

2、Walking safety: Pedestrians must walk on the sidewalk and walk on the right side if there is no sidewalk; crosswalks must be used to cross the road; pedestrians controlled by effective signals must comply with the signal regulations; pedestrians without traffic signal control must look left and right, pay attention Vehicles passing by are not allowed to chase or run; if there is no pedestrian crossing, they must go straight through, and they are not allowed to cross suddenly when vehicles are approaching; if someone is crossing a street overpass or underpass, they must use a pedestrian overpass or underpass; they are not allowed to climb the side of the road or the road The guardrails and isolation fences in the middle of the road are not allowed to pick up, chase, forcibly block or throw vehicles on the road.


本文标签: 关于交通的英语手抄报  


掌怎么组词 裳怎么组词

1、孤掌难鸣[gū zhǎng nán míng] 比喻一个人力量薄弱,难以成事。2、手掌[shǒu zhǎng] 腕关节与指之间的部分。亦指手心的一面。3、了如指掌[liǎo rú zhǐ zhǎng] 形容对情况非常

2023-04-12 18:00


1、优哉游哉[yōu zāi yóu zāi] 形容生活悠闲自在。2、悠哉悠哉[yōu zāi yōu zāi] 指生活惬意.快乐。3、悠哉[yōu zāi] 悠闲自在的样子。4、善哉[shàn zāi] 赞美之词。即好

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1、绿树成荫[lǜ shù chéng yīn] 比喻绿叶繁茂覆盖成荫。2、绿草如茵[lǜ cǎo rú yīn] 形容绿草浓密柔软,如铺席垫一般。如:这儿花木繁盛,绿草如茵,是个休闲渡假的好地方。3、绿洲[lǜ zhō

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1、鬼雄[guǐ xióng] 鬼中之雄杰。用以誉为国捐躯者。2、雄蕊[xióng ruǐ] 被子植物花内产生花粉的变态的花叶。一般由花丝和花药两部分组成。花药膨大呈囊状,能产生花粉。3、雄文[xióng wén] 有才

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1、黑锅[hēi guō] 比喻不白之冤。2、腰锅[yāo guō] 云南景颇族﹑傈僳族﹑白族﹑彝族等使用的一种锅。用生铁铸成﹐形如葫芦。3、沙锅浅儿[shā guō qiǎnr] 比较浅的沙锅。4、锅贴儿[guō ti

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1、村话[cūn huà] 粗话。多指骂人的脏话。2、自然村[zì rán cūn] 民户聚居而自然形成的村落。3、撒村[sā cūn] 说粗鲁话撒村骂街4、村民[cūn mín] 乡村的百姓全体村民都跑出来迎接他5、村

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