更新时间:2022-03-16 09:15:04作者:佚名
1、Oxygen(氧气) Anoxia(缺氧)
2、King(国王) Queen(女王)
3、North harbor(北港) South Bay(南湾)
4、Deep memory(深海记忆) Shallow sea carp(浅海鲤鱼)
5、Incubus(梦魇) Smile(笑靥)
6、Cool heart(凉心) Cool feeling(凉情)
7、Always in his heart(久居他心) Settle in her heart(定居她心)
8、Long before(很久之前) After a long time(许久之后)
9、Love me dont lie to me(爱我别骗我) Lie to me dont blame me(骗我别怪我)
10、Decease(死亡) Revive(复活)
11、Flies(荏苒) Wasted(蹉跎)