竹笋为什么有臭味 竹笋为什么会有臭味
更新时间:2022-06-19 11:10:05作者:未知
EU - The stability recorded in the German and Dutch sow prices at the beginning of the year has stayed true through to the end of April, albeit at low M1 sow price averages of around 0.95/kg and 0.83/kg respectively.With the pound continuing to weaken against the euro during the first quarter of 2016, the sterling value of the German cull sow price increased to 77p/kg by the end of March, up from around 70p at the turn of the year.However, in recent weeks, the pound has strengthened slightly, resulting in the sterling value of the sow price falling back slightly, to just under 75p/kg in the latest week.