
tell me歌词 tell me完整版歌词

更新时间:2023-11-09 23:53:10作者:佚名

tell me歌词 tell me完整版歌词


People are sayin

That boy is gonna hurt you

His kind of love is not for real

Hes only playin

Foolin with your heart girl

But I know how he makes me feel

And I dont need any other proof

They just dont understand

They dont know the truth


Momma says hes bad for me

Poppa says Ill be sorry

Everybodys talkin my baby down

And all my friends doubt him

Tell me I should live without him

Everybodys talkin my baby down

Hes not like the others

Nobody wants to see it

They dont even wanna try

Judge a book by its cover

And youll never know the story

Theres so much more than meets the eye

Oh and I know his heart is true

I dont need anyone

To tell me what to do

Momma says hes bad for me

Poppa says Ill be sorry

Everybodys talkin my baby down

And all my friends doubt him

Tell me I should live without him

Everybodys talkin my baby down

My sisters and my brothers

Tell me I should find another

Everybodys talkin my baby down

Oh but they cant feel his touch

They cant feel his kiss

They dont know what its like to be loved like this

I dont care about their point of view

Cause its understood

When the love is good

Nothin else is gonna do

Momma says hes bad for me

Poppa says Ill be sorry

Everybodys talkin my baby down

And all my friends doubt him

Tell me I should live without him

Everybodys talkin my baby down

本文标签: tellme歌词  


tell me歌词 tell me完整版歌词

歌词:People are sayinThat boy is gonna hurt youHis kind of love is not for realHes only playinFoolin with your h

2023-11-09 23:53


1、歌词:看昨天的我们 走远了在命运广场中央 等待那模糊的肩膀越奔跑 越渺小曾经并肩往前的伙伴在举杯祝福后都走散只是那个夜晚我深深的都留藏在心坎长大以后 我只能奔跑我多害怕 黑暗中跌倒明天你好 含着泪微笑越美好 越害怕得

2023-11-09 23:51



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