

更新时间:2023-08-26 06:56:10作者:未知







6、As the Spring Festival is coming, my heart is beating fast, and I have been through the last Spring Festival of 2015. By the way, why celebrate the Spring Festival? Let me tell you!

7、Once upon a time, there was a big monster named nian, and nian always appeared on New Years eve and bullied some people. One day, year again come, many home has been attacked by the year, only the red curtains hung on the door and in front of the fire, very busy a few families not under attack, should be the people know the year and they were afraid that three things, and every New Years eve people with these three things this only big monster away, over time, when a custom.

8、On the evening of the 30th, we finished the reunion dinner, and then we ran to the ground downstairs with our brother and set off firecrackers. One of my favorites is the rat gun. As it flew away, it made a squeaky sound, as if it wanted to call a companion to steal something in the sky, and make us laugh and die.

9、After setting off firecrackers, I watched the Spring Festival gala with my relatives and friends. The wonderful performance made me feel very cheerful, and I had cross talk, small articles and magic... Its very nice. Such as the one called I cant endure crosstalk, this is some uncivilized, then the man saw dont bother to call who, but he was in the situation of not civilization to remind others, at that time, a good laugh at us.

10、A Spring Festival has passed.

本文标签: 英语春节手抄报  



1、 《三国演义》作者罗贯中简介:罗贯中(约1330年-约1400年)是元末明初小说家,《三国演义》的作者,山西并州太原府人,罗贯中写作的剧本:《赵太祖龙虎风云会》、《忠正孝子连环谏》、《三平章死哭蜚虎子》。罗贯中写作的

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