
我的童年英语作文 我的童年英语作文60字带翻译

更新时间:2023-09-03 08:45:56作者:佚名

我的童年英语作文 我的童年英语作文60字带翻译

1、I was born in a small county which is poor. therefore, there were no beautiful clothes or many toys. before i went to school at six, i only played with my peers nearby. it was such a wonderful period that i would never forget. we always made our toys independently, which cost no money at all. sometimes, parents would help making toys as well. we could play from morning to night until parents told us to go home for dinner. however, as a rural child, i must help my parents doing farm work in the busy season, such as planting and harvesting. besides, my mother is a teacher. therefore, she began to teach me to read and count when i was three, so i had to spend some time i study. now, remembering it, i feel much happy rather than upset.


本文标签: 我的童年英语作文  


我的童年英语作文 我的童年英语作文60字带翻译

1、I was born in a small county which is poor. therefore, there were no beautiful clothes or many toys. before

2023-09-03 08:45



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挥斥方遒的意思 挥斥方遒的意思解释


2023-09-03 07:55


1、只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯(zhǐ xǔ zhōu guān fàng huǒ,bù xǔ bǎi xìng diǎn dēng),字面意思为允许当官的放火胡作非为,不允许老百姓点灯照明,指有权有势的人自己可以胡作非

2023-09-03 07:54


1、事在人为,汉语成语,拼音是shì zài rén wéi。意思是指事情要靠人去做的,在一定的条件下,事情能否做成要看人的主观努力如何。2、近义词:人定胜天。3、反义词:听天由命、无能为力。4、成语出处:明·冯梦龙《东

2023-09-03 07:54