
高中英语作文 高中英语作文万能句子

更新时间:2023-09-23 22:51:43作者:未知

高中英语作文 高中英语作文万能句子

1、High school life is so wonderful for me, and I have made many good friends. We fight for our future together. As there are so many subjects for me to learn, I spend most of the time studying knowledge. But deep in my heart, I like sports so much, especially tennis. When I knew our school had tennis club. I felt so excited and wanted to be part of it. But the problem was that what if I lagged behind other students in study as I spent the time on this hobby. At last, I still decided to join tennis club, because I wanted to do something special and enriched my high school life. I tried hard to make plans for my study. At the same time, I spared some time to play tennis. I found the balance and enjoyed the thing l liked。


本文标签: 高中英语作文  


高中英语作文 高中英语作文万能句子

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