
端午节包粽子英语作文 端午节包粽子英语作文带翻译

更新时间:2023-05-19 08:54:26作者:佚名

端午节包粽子英语作文 端午节包粽子英语作文带翻译

1、The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is there are a lot of cultured. Zongzi, leaves a request, the fresh bamboo leaves; Green green; Sending out the light faint scent. If use dry out after the dumplings boiled bamboo leaves no bamboo fragrance. One afternoon before the Dragon Boat Festival all raw materials ready, white glutinous rice soaked in water, full of red bean, peanut, have already ready, or chopped pork belly, have already with good ingredients flooded system. With deft hands industrious goodwife is left folded right, then use the rope layer upon layer, a delicate rice dumplings was born soon. Cooked pot and the house was filled with the fragrance of bamboo and rice dumplings. In addition to eating zongzi and eggs is little not. This two kinds of food are put together, even if you don't eat just looking at is to enjoy, the red oval eggs, meat green irregular shape of the dumplings, from color collocation to the combination of shape, it. Smoked, hang mugwort on the lintel on the Dragon Boat Festival day. Hang sachets, various shapes of decorations, cloth make it bright put spices on the inside. Every year my mother to help me buy a hanging in his chest.


本文标签: 端午节包粽子英语作文  


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2023-05-19 08:54

端午节包粽子英语作文 端午节包粽子英语作文带翻译

1、The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is there are a lot of cultured. Zongzi, leaves a request, the fresh

2023-05-19 08:54

有志者事竟成作文 有志者事竟成作文450字


2023-05-19 08:54



2023-05-19 08:53


1、把豆腐切块,番茄划十字,倒进开水焯一下。(豆腐焯水是为了去掉腥味)2、鱼肉是之前就用生姜盐巴料酒腌制好的。锅里加点油,把鱼倒下去煎至两面金黄。3、把鱼捞起来,然后将番茄切丁倒进去小火炒至出水。 4、把煎好的鱼肉也倒进

2023-05-19 08:51

八爪鱼炒饭的做法 八爪鱼炒饭怎么做好吃

1、用料: 八爪鱼2只、鸡蛋2颗、冷饭一大碗、蒜头适量、姜适量、蒜苗1根、芹菜1根、红萝卜1小根、盐适量、糖适量、酱油少许。2、八爪鱼炒饭的做法: 新鲜的小八爪鱼先洗好杀好,切小块备用。往冷饭加鸡蛋,搅拌均匀。把蒜苗、

2023-05-19 08:51